Here's a sample list of what the Virtual Yooper family listens to!
My Kids Listen to:
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
Pottercast - Harry Potter on the Air!
Mugglecast - More Harry Potter!
Daily Breakfast
The Zedcast (Family Story Telling)
Griddlecakes (Family Oriented Story Telling )
My Wife Listens to:
Irish and Celtic Music Podcast
The Virtual Yooper Listens to:
alll of the above, plus...
The PhilCast
Matt's Today in History
Radio QRM and LateNite QRM
Daily Source Code (The Podfather - not family friendly)
Digital Flotsam (Story Telling)
High Orbit - Matthew Ebel
Accident Hash with C.C. Chapman
The Young Punx FM
TIKI Bar TV !!! (Video - Mature Audience)
This Week In Tech with Leo Laporte
Tech 5 with John Dvorak
This Week In Amateur Radio
Coverville (Really Cool, check it out!)